Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A quick update to share some news from Port Au Prince. Monday the team was able to treat 75 patients and things are going as well as can be expected. Persistent rain is creating challenges as families struggle to access clean water for drinking, cooking and bathing.  Our volunteers continue to see people sick with the things that come along with that. Santo Clinic purchased and is distributing 5000 aqua tabs, each of which will purify 1 gallon of water so that families can stay safely hydrated. Moms can give their kids a drink of water without fear of it making them sick! A longer term strategy is also in the works as we write this message.  One of Santo Clinic's team members is helping to purchase 200 water filters.  Each will be able to serve about 5 families, creating 12 gallons of clean water per hour.  Your donations are changing things, folks!  Santo Clinic volunteers are back at it again today. If  the weather improves a bit, we expect to see more patients today. Updates to come, stay tuned.


  1. All that you are doing is making such a difference in the lives of so many! Thank you!

  2. Thank you for the update. It helps to be able to share the progress of Santo Clinic's continued work and community connection. Keep up the great work :D
